Did a storm recently come through your part of town and cause a roof leak? While the first thing you may have done is contact a professional roofer to repair the damage, chances are that they are not able to get out to your home right away to fix it. That's why it will help to know some tips to help cover the damage and prevent more water from leaking in.
Buy The Right Materials
All you need to create a temporary patch is a tarp, 2x4 wood beams, roofing nails, and a hammer. Thankfully, all of this stuff can be found at your local home improvement store. The length of the tarp will depend on where on the roof your leak is located. If it's near the peak of the roof, you do not have much to worry about. However, a leak near the bottom of the roof will require a tarp that is long enough to stretch from the bottom of the leak to slightly past the peak of the roof.
Lay Out The Tarp
You'll want to roughly lay out the tarp on your roof so that you know you have the right length. Start by laying the tarp over the peak of the roof, and fold the tarp over so that it is slightly wider than the damaged area you're trying to cover. Then pull the tarp down toward the leak until it is completely covered. If the tarp is still hanging slightly over the peak of the roof, then temporarily secure it in place with roof nails.
Measure The Tarp And Trim The Wood
You'll need to take six measurements of the tarp to trim some 2x4 wood beams to match the perimeter. Measure the sides on both sides of the roof, as well as the bottom on each side as well. This should leave you with three sets of measurements that are doubled. Then cut six pieces of 2x4 wood beams to match the length of those measurements.
Secure The Tarp
You'll want to lay the 2x4 wood beams over the tarp in a specific way before you nail them to the roof. The bottom piece should warp over the 2x4s so that water does not get trapped behind the beam. The side pieces should be placed on top of the tarp to sandwich it between the wood and the roof. This will prevent wind from blowing underneath the tarp from the side and ripping the tarp off the roof.
For more information, contact a local roofing company, like Supreme Roofing LLC.